Perlmutter Supercomputer Provides Peek into Interior of Ice Giant Planets

March 7th, 2024 |

This photograph of Neptune, one of the ice giant planets addressed in a paper recently published by researchers at UC Berkeley, was reconstructed from two images taken by NASA Voyager 2. Credit: NASA What’s going on inside the most distant planets in our solar system? The ice giant planets Uranus, Neptune, and sub-Neptune exoplanets are […]

Oregon State Scientists Use Bridges-2 to Survey Plankton Populations

March 6th, 2024 |

The ocean provides about half of the oxygen necessary for humans to survive. Scientists at Oregon State University wanted to better understand how plankton populations in the ocean will respond to climate change. To study plankton populations, they developed a new way of photographing large populations of these creatures at sea, using PSC’s Bridges-2 system […]

Imagine a Beowulf Cluster of SuperNODEs … (They did)

March 1st, 2024 |
digital concept art

Clustering resources for faster performance is not new. In the early days of clustering, the Beowulf project demonstrated that high performance was achievable from commodity hardware. These days, the “Beowulf cluster meme” gets used every time some new technology is deployed. For instance, “Imagine a Beowulf cluster of Frontier systems.” Funny enough, but a little […]

How Oxide Created a Cloud Server by Stripping Components, Wires, Cables, and Chips

February 29th, 2024 |
oxide compute sled

Hyperscalers Google, Amazon, and Meta have developed barebones servers by stripping down parts, but you cannot buy them off the shelf. Startup Oxide took on that idea and started shipping a mega-server with custom motherboards stripped of unnecessary parts, wires, and components typically found in off-the-rack servers. The company’s secretive hardware-software co-design plan has developed […]

Brookhaven Lab Develops AI Assistant to Aid in Nanomaterial Science Research

February 27th, 2024 |
Kevin Yager.

Kevin Yager—leader of the electronic nanomaterials group at the Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN), a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science User Facility at DOE’s Brookhaven National Laboratory—has imagined how recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) could aid scientific brainstorming and ideation. To accomplish this, he has developed a chatbot with knowledge in […]

Harnessing the Power of Exascale Software for Faster and More Accurate Warnings of Dangerous Weather Conditions

February 22nd, 2024 |
Billion-dollar weather and climate disasters in the U.S.

According to a recent report by NOAA, the US has confirmed a total of 23 separate billion-dollar weather and climate disasters in 2023 alone—the most events on record during a calendar year. Since 1980, the overall total cost of these billion-dollar weather disasters (including CPI adjustments to 2023) is $2.615 trillion. These numbers tell only part of the story […]

Mapping DNA’s Folds: UIC-led Team Uses Powerful Computers to Unfurl Genomic Secrets

February 20th, 2024 |
A single-cell 3D simulation of chromatin, the structures that make up the chromosome.

For decades, scientists have probed how human DNA that would stretch more than 2 meters if unspooled from a cell is packed into chromosomes millions of times smaller. A single-cell 3D simulation of chromatin, the structures that make up the chromosome. The beads represent monomers, a segment of the genome, linked to form a polymer. […]

AI Factories and Creative GPU Utilization for AI

February 16th, 2024 |
quantum start concept

Businesses have embraced the use of artificial intelligence (AI), and most plan to rapidly expand its use going forward. However, one major inhibitor and source of problems is that many AI efforts require compute infrastructures that make use of enormous numbers of GPUs. The problem is that such infrastructures are difficult to design and build. […]

Harvard-Led Research Achieves New Milestone in Error-Corrected Quantum Computing

February 15th, 2024 |
quantum coherence graphic

QuEra Computing, a leader in neutral-atom quantum computers, today announced a significant breakthrough published in the scientific journal Nature. In experiments led by Harvard University in close collaboration with QuEra Computing, MIT, and NIST/UMD, researchers successfully executed large-scale algorithms on an error-corrected quantum computer with 48 logical qubits and hundreds of entangling logical operations. The […]

Researchers Invent New Way to Stretch Diamond for Better Quantum Bits

February 13th, 2024 |
Breakthrough by UChicago, Argonne researchers could help pave way for quantum infrastructure.

A future quantum network may become less of a stretch thanks to researchers at the University of Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory and Cambridge University. Breakthrough by UChicago, Argonne researchers could help pave way for quantum infrastructure. Illustration by Peter Allen. A team of researchers announced a breakthrough in quantum network engineering: By “stretching” thin films […]