Researchers Hone Cryptographic Algorithms to Stand Against Powerful Quantum Threat

April 3rd, 2023 |

As the race to develop large-scale, reliable quantum computers gains speed, fortification efforts are ramping up to protect digital systems from a technology that could utterly obliterate their security. Commonwealth Cyber Initiative researchers at Virginia Tech and George Mason University are developing security protocols to fend off cyberattacks — both from today’s computers and from […]

TACC Supercomputing Powers Climate Modeling for Fisheries

March 29th, 2023 |

A tremendous portion of the world depends on the output of the oceans’ major fisheries, which have, in recent decades, found themselves under near-constant threat from mismanagement (e.g. overfishing). Climate change, of course, clouds the future of these fisheries even more – and now, researchers are leveraging the power of supercomputing to predict how climate […]

New Study Achieves Coherent Manipulation of Electron Spins in Silicon

March 28th, 2023 |
Electrons in silicon experience a coupling between their spin (up and down arrows) and valley states (blue and red orbitals). In the presence of a DC voltage (blue glow) an electron can undergo coherent spin-valley oscillation.

Researchers at the University of Rochester have recently introduced a new strategy to coherently manipulate either single or multiple electron spins in silicon quantum dots. This method, introduced in a paper published in Nature Physics, could open new possibilities for the development of reliable and highly performing quantum computers. The post New Study Achieves Coherent […]

UW Madison Researchers Develop ‘Wiggle Wells’ to Improve Accuracy of Quantum Computers 

March 27th, 2023 |
A false-colored scanning electron micrograph of the qubit structure featuring the “wiggle wells” developed by researchers at UW–Madison to improve the accuracy of quantum computers.

In two papers published in Nature Communications in December, researchers from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, the University of New South Wales and TU-Delft showed that tweaking a qubit’s physical structure, known as a silicon quantum dot, creates sufficient valley splitting to reduce computing errors. The findings turn conventional wisdom on its head by showing that a […]

Supercomputer Research Predicts Extinction Cascade

March 24th, 2023 |
wildlife biodiversity concept

The immediate impacts of climate change and land-use change are severe enough, but increasingly, researchers are warning that large enough changes can then snowball into catastrophic changes. New, supercomputer-powered research from Giovanni Strona (a senior researcher with the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, or JRC) and Corey Bradshaw (a professor at Flinders University in Australia) […]

Revolutionary Environmental AI Infrastructure Detailed in New Report

March 23rd, 2023 |
The Artificial Intelligence for Earth System Predictability workshop explored the use of AI to help collect, understand and analyze big data. One example is using machine learning approaches to integrate data from a wide variety of measurement techniques across spatial scales from stomata to biomes to improve Earth system predictability.

Researchers and scientists are working together to apply AI and modeling techniques such as machine learning (ML) to advance Earth and environmental science. Specifically, a group of scientists and experts aims to integrate modern technology in the work of Earth system models, observations and theory — as well as to provide computational capabilities that can […]

Quantum Researchers Strike the Right Chord with Silicides

March 22nd, 2023 |
The silicide research team

Just as the sound of a guitar depends on its strings and the materials used for its body, the performance of a quantum computer depends on the composition of its building blocks. Arguably the most critical components are the devices that encode information in quantum computers. One such device is the transmon qubit — a […]

University of Potsdam Researchers Utilize Supercomputers to Understand Binary Neutron Star Mergers

March 21st, 2023 |
Simulation of a neutron-star–black-hole coalescence in which the neutron star is tidally disrupted during the merger.

With the help of new observational data of gravitational waves and electromagnetic signatures, University of Potsdam researchers are using supercomputers to understand binary neutron star mergers. The post University of Potsdam Researchers Utilize Supercomputers to Understand Binary Neutron Star Mergers appeared first on HPCwire.

Perlmutter Results Show Progress in Quantum Information Science

March 20th, 2023 |
perlmutter display

Quantum computing is coming. Though predicted decades ago and only now in its early stages, this potentially game-changing technology and the hardware and software that support it are progressing rapidly – thanks in part to dedicated initiatives like the QIS@Perlmutter project at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab). The post Perlmutter Results Show Progress in Quantum […]

Quantum Simulator Enables 1st Microscopic Observation of Charge Carriers Pairing

March 17th, 2023 |
Artistic depiction of a pair of holes caused by the magnetic background of the system

Using a quantum simulator, researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ) have observed pairs of charge carriers that may be responsible for the resistance-free transport of electric current in high-temperature superconductors. The post Quantum Simulator Enables 1st Microscopic Observation of Charge Carriers Pairing appeared first on HPCwire.