Harnessing the Aerospace/Defense Data Explosion with Well-Designed AI Infrastructure

January 26th, 2023 |
aerospace defense

Using AI to solve mission-critical problems in the aerospace and defense industry is becoming more of a reality. New technologies emerge every day that can simplify deployment, management, and scaling of AI infrastructure to ensure long-term ROI. The post Harnessing the Aerospace/Defense Data Explosion with Well-Designed AI Infrastructure appeared first on HPCwire.

Researchers Identify New, Cleaner Source for White Light with HPC

January 25th, 2023 |
Upon irradiation by infrared light, adamantane-based molecular clusters with the general composition [(RT)4E5] (with R = organic group; T = C, Si, Ge, Sn; E = O, S, Se, Te, NH, CH2, ON•) emit highly directional white light.

When early humans discovered how to harness fire, they were able to push back against the nightly darkness that enveloped them. With the invention and widespread adoption of electricity, it became easier to separate heat from light, work through the night, and illuminate train cars to highways. In recent years, old forms of electric light […]

Researchers Leverage Arctic Snow Data to Address Climate Uncertainty

January 24th, 2023 |
lanl snow model

Comprehensive data from several seasons of field research in the Alaskan Arctic will address uncertainties in Earth-system and climate-change models about snow cover across the region and its impacts on water and the environment. The post Researchers Leverage Arctic Snow Data to Address Climate Uncertainty appeared first on HPCwire.

Researchers Design New Neuromorphic Chip for AI on the Edge

January 23rd, 2023 |
neurram chip

An international team of researchers has designed and built a chip that runs computations directly in memory and can run a wide variety of AI applications–all at a fraction of the energy consumed by computing platforms for general-purpose AI computing. The post Researchers Design New Neuromorphic Chip for AI on the Edge appeared first on […]

Object Management Group Publishes Anything-As-A-Service Glossary

January 20th, 2023 |
omg logo

International technology standards organization Object Management Group (OMG) announced V1.0 of the Anything-as-a-Service (XaaS) Glossary. The goal of the glossary is to eliminate confusion for end users about the suffix “as-a-service,” which has become a popular shorthand to describe solutions offered on a pay-as-you-go basis with elasticity and self-service procurement. The post Object Management Group […]

New Stable Quantum Batteries Can Reliably Store Energy in Electromagnetic Fields

January 19th, 2023 |
quantum batteries

Quantum technologies, i.e. technological devices obtained by building and manipulating quantum mechanical systems, are becoming a reality. The most prominent example is given by quantum computers, where the unit of information, the bit, is replaced by its quantum mechanical counterpart, informally called the qubit. Contrary to classical computers, quantum computers promise to use the full […]

Researchers Demonstrate Error Correction in a Silicon Qubit System

January 18th, 2023 |
riken silicon qubit

Researchers from RIKEN in Japan have achieved a major step toward large-scale quantum computing by demonstrating error correction in a three-qubit silicon-based quantum computing system. This work, published in Nature, could pave the way toward the achievement of practical quantum computers. The post Researchers Demonstrate Error Correction in a Silicon Qubit System appeared first on […]

Energy Savings with Quantum Computing – Fact or Fiction?

January 18th, 2023 |
quantum computing

Quantum computing promises to redefine the boundaries of computation and has also been touted as a potential game-changer in energy savings. The technology’s potential to enable new material discovery, improve EV batteries and solar cells, optimize logistic routes, all while consuming much less energy than traditional power-hungry supercomputers, paint a promising picture. However, as with […]

National Quantum Information Science Research Centers Harness the Quantum Revolution

January 17th, 2023 |
sqms center

Five National Quantum Information Science Research Centers are leveraging the behavior of nature at the smallest scales to develop technologies for science’s most complex problems. Funded by the Department of Energy’s Office of Science, the NQISRCs have been supporting DOE’s mission since 2020 to advance the energy, economic and national security of the United States. […]

AWS Takes the Short and Long View of Quantum Computing

January 13th, 2023 |

It is perhaps not surprising that the big cloud providers – a poor term really – have jumped into quantum computing. Amazon, Microsoft Azure, Google, and their like have steadily transformed into major technology developers, no doubt in service of their large cloud services offerings. The same is true internationally. You may not know, for […]