NASA Ames to Host Supercomputing Resources for UC Berkeley Researchers

September 27th, 2024 |

Under a new agreement, NASA will host supercomputing resources for the University of California, Berkeley, at the agency’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley. The agreement is part of an expanding partnership between Ames and UC Berkeley and will support the development of novel computing algorithms and software for a wide variety of scientific […]

Understanding the GPU —The Catalyst of the Current AI Revolution

September 20th, 2024 |
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GPUs are often likened to the “gold” of artificial intelligence, vital to today’s generative AI age. This article aims to explain why AI is unachievable without GPUs. Let’s start with a simple processor task — displaying an image on the screen. The post Understanding the GPU —The Catalyst of the Current AI Revolution appeared first on HPCwire.

Berkeley Lab Introduces Specialized Hardware to Speed Up Sparse Data Computations

September 16th, 2024 |

Lehigh University and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) researchers have developed an accelerating sparse accumulation (ASA) architecture, specialized hardware that enables faster computation on data sets that have a high number of zero values. Their work was first published in ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization and has led to a provisional patent. The post Berkeley […]

AI Revolutionizes Exoplanet Discovery Uncovering New Worlds

September 12th, 2024 |
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Although technology has been instrumental in finding exoplanets, finding exoplanets remains challenging. With the sheer volume of data generated by space missions, satellites, and telescopes, traditional methods for data analysis are often insufficient. The variable sizes, great distances, brightness contrast with host stars, and obscured orbital positions have added to the challenge. The post AI […]

NCSA Researchers Adapt Geospatial Techniques to Study Cancer and Stress

September 10th, 2024 |
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Stress can have a huge impact on your health. Everything from your mood to your blood pressure can be negatively impacted by high amounts of stress, but there could be other, deadlier consequences to chronic of stress. Scientists have been studying the possible link between stress and cancer for a long time. For some people, […]

D-Wave Commissioned Survey Reveals High ROI Expectations for Quantum Computing

September 9th, 2024 |
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D-Wave Quantum Inc. announced the results of a new study today that reveals a majority of surveyed businesses actively using quantum computing foresee an exceptional return on investment (ROI) from their quantum optimization efforts — with an expected combined potential positive financial impact to reach up to an estimated $51.5 billion. The post D-Wave Commissioned […]

Sandia Highlights Quantum Computers’ Superior Memory Efficiency in Math Problems

September 6th, 2024 |
Theoretical computer scientists John Kallaugher, left, and Ojas Parekh find tasks in which quantum computers outperform normal computers, a concept called quantum advantage, at Sandia National Laboratories.

As the hare learned from the tortoise, speed isn’t everything. Theoretical computer scientists at Sandia National Laboratories and Boston University have discovered that quantum computers are unrivaled at solving an advanced math problem. Unusually, they proved quantum computers are not faster than regular computers; instead, they use far less memory. The post Sandia Highlights Quantum […]

Asteroid Institute and Google Cloud Identify 27,500 New Asteroids with Cloud-Based Astrodynamics and Data Mining

September 3rd, 2024 |

Asteroid Institute, a program of B612 Foundation, and Google Cloud announced the most significant results of their partnership to date: identifying 27,500 new, high-confidence asteroid discovery candidates. The work, which took place over several weeks, has the potential to enable the mapping of the solar system and protect the Earth from collisions, advancing the field […]

ACCESS: Using Supercomputers to Understand the Echoes of Toothed Whales

August 30th, 2024 |
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By emitting sounds and analyzing resulting echoes, humans and animals use active acoustic sensing systems to explore and comprehend their surroundings. Humans use high-frequency sonar systems, also known as echosounders or fishfinders, to observe fish and zooplankton in the ocean. Toothed whales and bats, on the other hand, utilize the same principles via echolocation to […]

Four Steps to Ensure GenAI Safety and Ethics

August 29th, 2024 |
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With the deployment of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) happening at a rapid pace, organizations of all sizes are tasked with navigating the challenges around implementation, especially regarding ethics and accuracy. The post Four Steps to Ensure GenAI Safety and Ethics appeared first on HPCwire.