In recent months, several quantum companies have made roadmap announcements with plans to reach 10,000 physical qubits in the next five years or sooner. This is a dramatic increase from the current 20 to 300 qubits, especially given that several of these companies have yet to release their first product. What makes 10,000 qubits such […]

A diverse group of computational chemists is encouraging the research community to embrace a sustainable software ecosystem. That’s the message behind a recent perspective article published in the Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. The authors discuss possible scenarios of how to develop software in the face of a changing computational landscape. The post Computational Chemistry Needs To […]

Cisco and a group of eight leading companies including Accenture, Eightfold, Google, IBM, Indeed, Intel, Microsoft and SAP as well as six advisors today announced the launch of the AI-Enabled Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Workforce Consortium focused on upskilling and reskilling roles most likely to be impacted by AI. The post Leading Companies Launch […]

The Aurora supercomputer at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory has officially surpassed the exascale threshold, measuring over a quintillion calculations per second on the new Top500 list. The post Argonne’s Aurora Supercomputer Breaks Exascale Barrier appeared first on HPCwire.

The US Army has an AI plan that includes a 100-day sprint to set the conditions for implementing artificial intelligence. “After the 100 days, we have a 500-day implementation plan that’s going to operationalize the things that we’re doing,” said Young Bang, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology, US […]

Utilizing high-resolution three-dimensional radiation hydrodynamics simulations and detailed supernova physics model run on supercomputers, a research study led by Dr. Ke-Jung Chen from the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica (ASIAA) has revealed that the physical properties of the first galaxies are critically determined by the masses of the first stars. The study was […]

You may have flown a flight simulator in a computer game or at a science museum. Landing without crashing is always the hardest part. But that’s nothing compared to the challenge that engineers are facing to develop a flight simulation of the very large vehicles necessary for humans to explore the surface of Mars. The […]

In an article published in Science Advances, a team lead by PHI Lab Research Scientist Thibault Chervy and ETH Zurich Professor Puneet Murthy documented their success in trapping excitons in various geometries, including quantum dots, and controlling them to achieve independent energy tunability over scalable arrays. The post NTT Research PHI Lab Scientists Achieve Quantum […]

What happens when Department of Energy (DOE) researchers join forces with chemists and biologists at the National Cancer Institute (NCI)? They use the most advanced high-performance computers to study cancer at the molecular, cellular and population levels. The results offer insights into cancer and accelerate advances in precision oncology and scientific computing. The post Exascale […]

Solar energy is one of the most promising, widely adopted renewable energy sources, but the solar cells that convert light into electricity remains a challenge. Scientists have turned to the High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart to understand how strategically designing imperfections in the system could lead to more efficient energy conversion. The post University of Paderborn […]