As the capabilities of robotics systems increase, so too does the opportunity apply automation for new tasks and applications, expanding the automation continuum in the process. The post Incorporating Robots Into the Automation Continuum appeared first on Robotics Business Review.

Autonomous mobile robots, along with the first commercial autonomous mobile manipulation robots, can be used to automate many DC and warehouse tasks. They also enable whole news ways of executing warehouse operations, which in turn are increasing the resiliency and flexibility of supply chain workflows. The post AMR’s Optimizing (and Reinventing) Supply Chain Operations appeared first […]

Retailers and 3PLs are rapidly adopting a wide range of automation technologies – including robotics – to improve the operational efficacy and efficiency in warehouses and distribution centers. The primary demand driver is e-commerce. The post 30 E-Commerce Stats That Portend Continued (and Substantial) Robotics & Automation Adoption appeared first on Robotics Business Review.

Programming industrial robots can be difficult, time consuming and costly. RoboDK addresses these challenges by providing an affordable, simplified simulation and programming platform that supports more than 500 robot arms, from 50 different robot manufacturers, for a wide range of applications. The post RoboDK – Start-Up Profile – Powerful, Cross Platform, Robotics Simulation & Programming […]

The new ANSI/RIA R15.08-1-2020 (R15.08) standard for mobile robots provides updated, and formalized, definitions for AGVs, AMRs and other mobile robotics types. The revised definitions are critical for the proper application of R15.08, and as such it is critical that both users and developers of industrial mobile robots take note. The post ANSI/RIA R15.08 Standard […]

When IoT technologies, robots and humans interoperate, advanced robotic capabilities are enabled, along with novel applications, and by extension, new business opportunities. Interoperability challenges remain, but solutions are available to overcome them. The post The Future of Robotics: Collaboration Between Man and Machine appeared first on Robotics Business Review.

BMW Group’s IDEALworks (IW) subsidiary stated goal is for IW to become a leading supplier of autonomous mobile robotics (AMRs) solutions in the logistics sector. BMW’s new initiative validates the AMR market, but also challenges existing AMR players. The post BMW’s IdealWorks Validates (and Challenges) AMR Sector appeared first on Robotics Business Review.

Building Information Modeling (BIM) has found great success in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industries, and robotics solutions are making AEC inroads. The two technologies can be synergistic, and when used together can deliver additional value to AECs. The post How Robotization Is Transforming BIM Workflow appeared first on Robotics Business Review.

The COVID-19 pandemic forced business to innovate, including utilizing workplace robots. From telepresence capabilities to UV disinfection, mobile robots empowered people and provided business value. But even as the infection fades, their use will continue and expand. The post Intelligent Robots in the Workplace – Present and Future Outlook appeared first on Robotics Business Review.

The next production revolution will be a boon for a global economy that is sputtering and experiencing lagging growth and investment. This new technology wave should lead to a virtuous cycle of increased investment, higher productivity, more spending, and more investment. The post Robots and International Economic Development appeared first on Robotics Business Review.