Automation Imperative Accelerates

November 3rd, 2020 |
red robot arms illustration

Increased automation—with its ability to significantly boost societal productivity—is needed to help modern nations address seemingly intractable challenges such as sluggish wage growth, aging populations, rising health care costs, environmental restorations, global competitiveness, and often-worrisome levels of public sector debt. The post Automation Imperative Accelerates appeared first on Robotics Business Review.

The Need for Universal Factories – Building a Resilient World Post COVID-19

October 28th, 2020 |

Robots and industrial automation enable disproportionate GDP gains, but are they resilient to disruptions and changing demands? The post The Need for Universal Factories – Building a Resilient World Post COVID-19 appeared first on Robotics Business Review.

What Robots Need to Succeed: Machine-Learning to Teach Effectively

October 27th, 2020 |
robotics illustration

With machine learning, algorithms are automatically generated from large datasets, speeding the development and reducing the difficulty of creating complex systems, including robotics systems. While data at scale is what makes accurate machine learning ‘go’, the data used to train ML models must also be very accurate and of high quality. The post What Robots […]

Start-up Profile – Veo Robotics

October 22nd, 2020 |
Veo Robotics

Veo’s FreeMove (Waltham, MA) is a comprehensive 3D sensing and control system that turns standard industrial robots into collaborative machines using advanced computer vision and 3D sensing. The post Start-up Profile – Veo Robotics appeared first on Robotics Business Review.

5 Warehouse Automation Trends (That Industrial Automation Vendors Must Be Thinking About)

October 14th, 2020 |
warehouse automation

As retailers continue to adopt and roll out omni-channel distribution models, new logistical challenges arise, along with industrial automation technologies and techniques, including autonomous mobile robots, that can overcome them. The post 5 Warehouse Automation Trends (That Industrial Automation Vendors Must Be Thinking About) appeared first on Robotics Business Review.

Collaborative Robots and Lean Integrators Bring Automation to Small and Medium-Size Enterprises

October 12th, 2020 |
universal integrators

The emergence and rapid proliferation of collaborative robots have resulted in the proliferation of a new class of ‘lean’ integrators specially adapted to the needs of SMEs who wish to leverage automation. The lean integrator has evolved precisely to deliver robot installations that yield higher productivity at a lower price point, and that can be […]

Cloud Computing Will be the Great Enabler of Mobile Robotics

October 9th, 2020 |
mobile robots

Cloud computing represents the most important horizontal innovation for the robotics industry to date, with the market for robot-related services powered by cloud computing reaching US$157.8 billion in annual revenue by 2030. The post Cloud Computing Will be the Great Enabler of Mobile Robotics appeared first on Robotics Business Review.

The Role of Supervised Autonomy in Mobile Manipulation

October 2nd, 2020 |
The Role of Supervised Autonomy in Mobile Manipulation

For robotics systems, “supervised autonomy”, readily available for implementation today, can be used as a bridging solution between teleoperation and full autonomy. The post The Role of Supervised Autonomy in Mobile Manipulation appeared first on Robotics Business Review.

What Will Become of the Unmanned Store?

September 29th, 2020 |

Market momentum stalled for the retail sector’s “Next Big Thing”, but ongoing investment and innovation, along with critical business drivers, ensures incremental progress continues. The post What Will Become of the Unmanned Store? appeared first on Robotics Business Review.

AMP Robotics’ CEO Matanya Horowitz Talks Recycling and Robotics

September 22nd, 2020 |
AMP Robotics

Industrial Robot’s Joanne Pransky interviews the CEO of AMP Robotics, a company that automates the identification, sorting and processing recycled waste material. The post AMP Robotics’ CEO Matanya Horowitz Talks Recycling and Robotics appeared first on Robotics Business Review.