AI job automation will happen gradually, says MIT CSAIL

March 26th, 2024 |
mit study

A new study from MIT CSAIL, MIT Sloan, The Productivity Institute, and IBM’s Institute for Business Value provided more insight into how artificial intelligence could affect the job market. Its findings challenge the common belief that AI will put vast numbers of people out of work.  The post AI job automation will happen gradually, says […]

5 robotics startups Bill Gates is excited about

March 21st, 2024 |
his image was created using Microsoft’s Bing AI Image Creator.

There has been $90 billion invested in robotics companies in the last five years, according to F-Prime Capital’s 2023 State of Robotics Report. With more than 1,250 companies currently within the industry, it can be hard to sift through them all to pinpoint the most exciting startups. However, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates just shared five […]

Bot Building 101: Three tips for high-performing robotics teams

March 18th, 2024 |
Robotics competition teams can use the Kria KR260 Robotics Starter Kit.

From students and startups to the world of entertainment, interest in robots is everywhere these days. In visiting with roboticists of all types across the globe, Advanced Micro Devices found that successful robotics design generally comes down to three key considerations: Timing is everything, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and […]

Charging challenges can be solved for rugged robotics

March 14th, 2024 |
Clearpath’s Husky Observer robot, including WiBotic receiver coil shown mounted on the front.

Modern robotics has come a long way since the 1960s. We’ve created robots accurate enough to work on a production line and safe enough to maneuver around a facility floor. The next frontier for them extends beyond factories and warehouses into rugged environments, especially in remote outdoor areas. In these locations, the robotics charging challenges […]

MIT designs robotic heart chamber

March 13th, 2024 |
mit robot heart chamber

MIT engineers have developed a robotic replica of the heart’s right ventricle, which mimics the beating and blood-pumping action of live hearts. The robo-ventricle combines real heart tissue with synthetic, balloon-like artificial muscles that enable scientists to control the ventricle’s contractions while observing how its natural valves and other intricate structures function. The post MIT […]

Retail robots are slowly paving the way for industry disruption

March 8th, 2024 |

The journey of robotics to establishing a presence in retail stores is a decade in the making. Progress has been slowed by people’s perceptions, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the complexity of problems to solve, as well as the fact that the industry has traditionally been slow to adopt new technologies. The post Retail robots are […]

Building a full-stack robotics company in the age of large AI models

March 5th, 2024 |
Electric Sheep is a provider of autonomous large-scale outdoor maintenance.

In today’s fundraising environment with its intense focus on cash flow positive business models, robotics entrepreneurs are left navigating some thorny challenges: high CapEx costs, workflow and change management, and long enterprise deployment cycles to name a few. This is further exacerbated by the choice of a business model such as RaaS (Robotics as a […]

Stevens Institute for Artificial Intelligence looks at prospects for AI and robotics

March 4th, 2024 |
Stevens Institute of Technology’s BlueROV uses perception and mapping capabilities to operate without GPS, lidar, or radar underwater

While defense spending is the source of many innovations in robotics and artificial intelligence, government policy usually takes a while to catch up to technological developments. Given all the attention on generative AI this year, October’s executive order on AI safety and security was “encouraging,” observed Dr. Brendan Englot, director of the Stevens Institute for […]

How this robotics student used NVIDIA Jetson to make an autonomous wheelchair

February 28th, 2024 |

Robotics developer Kabilan KB is bringing autonomous navigation capabilities to wheelchairs with the aim of helping improve mobility for people with disabilities.  KB is an undergraduate at the Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences in Coimbatore, India. For this project, he aimed to create a device that could be helpful for his cousin, who has […]

ReBeL cobot gets low-cost, human-like hand from igus

February 27th, 2024 |
igus has developed a robotic hand for its ReBeL low-cost automation.

igus GmbH has developed a finger gripper for its ReBeL collaborative robot. “The ReBeL can now perform a variety of simple humanoid tasks with the new low-cost robotic hand,” said the company. Automation is entering small and midsize enterprises (SMEs), particularly in the form of collaborative robots or cobots. They can sort, pick and move […]