Industry News

Relay Robotics successfully navigates hospital obstacle course

May 17th, 2024 | Industry News
relay robotics

Healthcare is facing a severe labor shortage, so the demand for innovative solutions is on the rise. Robotics is an obvious place to look for help, but hospitals are intricate ecosystems that present a myriad of challenges to mobile robots. From automated and manual doors to beds, wheelchairs, various carts, and IV poles, the hospital […]

Watch Boston Dynamics’ Atlas humanoid handle automotive struts

May 13th, 2024 | Industry News

With the onslaught of humanoids that were introduced in 2023, it seems Atlas, the humanoid that set the stage for so much of today’s humanoid progression, has fallen out of the limelight. But on its YouTube channel today, Boston Dynamics said not so fast. Boston Dynamics released a video showing its Atlas humanoid picking and placing […]

Researchers develop interface for quadriplegics to control robots

May 10th, 2024 | Industry News
Carnegie Mellon University researchers lived with Henry and Jane Evans for a week to test their Head-Worn Assistive Teleoperation (HAT) device with Henry, who lost his ability to speak and move his limbs 20 years ago.

No one could blame Carnegie Mellon University students Akhil Padmanabha and Janavi Gupta if they were a bit anxious this past August as they traveled to the Bay Area home of Henry and Jane Evans. The students were about to live with strangers for the next seven days. On top of that, Henry, a person […]

Exascale Computing Project Contributes to Accelerating Cancer Research

May 9th, 2024 | Industry News
Predicting cancer type and drug response using histopathology images from the National Cancer Institute’s Patient-Derived Models Repository.

What happens when Department of Energy (DOE) researchers join forces with chemists and biologists at the National Cancer Institute (NCI)? They use the most advanced high-performance computers to study cancer at the molecular, cellular and population levels. The results offer insights into cancer and accelerate advances in precision oncology and scientific computing. The post Exascale […]

CMU crawling robots map and repair natural gas pipelines

May 8th, 2024 | Industry News

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute are creating robots that can map and repair natural gas pipelines. The team is led by Howie Choset, the Kavčić-Moura professor of computer science at CMU, who plans to commercialize the robot later this year.  The post CMU crawling robots map and repair natural gas pipelines appeared first […]

University of Paderborn Researchers Leverage Hawk Supercomputer for Advances in Solar Cell Research

May 7th, 2024 | Industry News
This image shows a visualization of the calculated exciton transfer from an upper tetracene layer of a solar cell to the silicon substrate. The electron is shown in blue, and the electron hole in red.

Solar energy is one of the most promising, widely adopted renewable energy sources, but the solar cells that convert light into electricity remains a challenge. Scientists have turned to the High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart to understand how strategically designing imperfections in the system could lead to more efficient energy conversion. The post University of Paderborn […]

New computer model could help robots collect Moon dust

May 3rd, 2024 | Industry News
The same experiments were set up in, both, simulation and reality to see if the virtual regolith behaved realistically. This test looked at how small (16 g) samples of material flowed through narrow funnels.

Researchers claim a new computer model mimics Moon dust so well that it could lead to smoother and safer Lunar robot teleoperations. The tool, developed by researchers at the University of Bristol and based at the Bristol Robotics Laboratory, could be used to train astronauts ahead of Lunar missions. The post New computer model could […]

Stanford researchers aim to enhance robots with augmented motors

May 2nd, 2024 | Industry News
stanford actuator

Whether it’s a powered prosthesis to assist a person who has lost a limb or an independent robot navigating the outside world, we are asking machines to perform increasingly complex, dynamic tasks. But the standard electric motor was designed for steady, ongoing activities like running a compressor or spinning a conveyor belt – even updated […]

LLNL Scientists Edge Closer to Synthesizing ‘Super-Diamond’ Carbon Phase Predicted to Outperform Diamond

May 1st, 2024 | Industry News
Supercomputer simulations predicting the synthesis pathways for the elusive BC8 “super-diamond”, involving shock compressions of diamond precursor, inspire ongoing Discovery Science experiments at NIF

Diamond is the strongest material known. However, another form of carbon has been predicted to be even tougher than diamond. The challenge is how to create it on Earth. The post LLNL Scientists Edge Closer to Synthesizing ‘Super-Diamond’ Carbon Phase Predicted to Outperform Diamond appeared first on HPCwire.

U.S. manufacturers invested heavily in robotics in 2023, finds IFR

April 30th, 2024 | Industry News
U.S. manufacturers have increasingly adopted automation, says the IFR. - graph

Total installations of industrial robots rose by 12% and reached 44,303 units in 2023, as U.S. manufacturers invested heavily in more automation, reported the International Federation of Robotics, or IFR, today. The automotive industry is still the No. 1 adopter, followed by the electrical and electronics sector, according to the IFR’s preliminary results. The post […]