Robotics News
Argonne’s Aurora Supercomputer Breaks Exascale Barrier
The Aurora supercomputer at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory has officially surpassed the exascale threshold, measuring over a quintillion calculations per second on the new Top500 list. The post Argonne’s Aurora Supercomputer Breaks...
Inside the US Army’s Plans to Deploy and Implement AI
The US Army has an AI plan that includes a 100-day sprint to set the conditions for implementing artificial intelligence. “After the 100 days, we have a 500-day implementation plan that’s going to operationalize the things that we’re doing,” said Young Bang, Principal...
Supercomputer Simulations Reveal Secrets of the Universe’s First Galaxies, ASIAA Reports
Utilizing high-resolution three-dimensional radiation hydrodynamics simulations and detailed supernova physics model run on supercomputers, a research study led by Dr. Ke-Jung Chen from the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica (ASIAA) has revealed...
What’s the difference between contactless and wireless charging for robots?
In the ever-evolving world of technology, the distinction between contact-based and contactless wireless charging has become pivotal, with an added layer of confusion thrown into the mix. Wired charging stations are now marketing themselves as “wireless,” blurring the...
Supporting the Future of Mars Exploration with Supercomputers
You may have flown a flight simulator in a computer game or at a science museum. Landing without crashing is always the hardest part. But that’s nothing compared to the challenge that engineers are facing to develop a flight simulation of the very large vehicles...
NTT Research PHI Lab Scientists Achieve Quantum Control of Excitons in 2D Semiconductors
In an article published in Science Advances, a team lead by PHI Lab Research Scientist Thibault Chervy and ETH Zurich Professor Puneet Murthy documented their success in trapping excitons in various geometries, including quantum dots, and controlling them to achieve...
Generative AI and Isaac to power smarter robots, says NVIDIA before CES
Last year, generative AI received a lot of attention, but the challenge in 2024 is to apply it to industrial technologies and commercial use cases. NVIDIA Corp. and its partners are working with generative AI to make robots more capable, said Deepu Talla, vice...
Surgical robots don’t improve knee surgery revision rates, study says
The analysis of American Joint Replacement Registry (AJRR) data, presented at AAOS 2024 in San Francisco, found that revision rates were similar in conventional and surgical robot cementless TKA at two years post-operatively. The study also found that the odds of...
Relay Robotics successfully navigates hospital obstacle course
Healthcare is facing a severe labor shortage, so the demand for innovative solutions is on the rise. Robotics is an obvious place to look for help, but hospitals are intricate ecosystems that present a myriad of challenges to mobile robots. From automated and manual...
Watch Boston Dynamics’ Atlas humanoid handle automotive struts
With the onslaught of humanoids that were introduced in 2023, it seems Atlas, the humanoid that set the stage for so much of today’s humanoid progression, has fallen out of the limelight. But on its YouTube channel today, Boston Dynamics said not so fast. Boston...
Researchers develop interface for quadriplegics to control robots
No one could blame Carnegie Mellon University students Akhil Padmanabha and Janavi Gupta if they were a bit anxious this past August as they traveled to the Bay Area home of Henry and Jane Evans. The students were about to live with strangers for the next seven days....
Exascale Computing Project Contributes to Accelerating Cancer Research
What happens when Department of Energy (DOE) researchers join forces with chemists and biologists at the National Cancer Institute (NCI)? They use the most advanced high-performance computers to study cancer at the molecular, cellular and population levels. The...