Robotics News

Datacenter Appetite: Nuclear is on the Menu

Datacenter Appetite: Nuclear is on the Menu

Hyperscalers have recently made big moves to secure enough power for their data centers. While renewable sources are preferable, there is not enough capacity to feed the next generation of “AI datacenters” on the drawing board.  Using fossil fuels is possible but not...

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Yes, Big Data Is Still a Thing (It Never Really Went Away)

Yes, Big Data Is Still a Thing (It Never Really Went Away)

A funny thing happened on the way to the AI promised land: People realized they need data. In fact, they realized they need large quantities of a wide variety of data, and that it would be better if it was fresh, trusted, and accurate. In other words, people realized...

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3 reasons mobile robots haven’t reached mass adoption

3 reasons mobile robots haven’t reached mass adoption

Automated mobile robotics is the obvious answer to increased consumer demand and continuing labor shortages today. So, why haven’t AMRs “crossed the chasm” into mass adoption? Or, put even more simply: What aren’t you selling more robots? The post 3 reasons mobile...

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Is the GenAI Bubble Finally Popping?

Is the GenAI Bubble Finally Popping?

Doubt is creeping into discussion over generative AI, as industry analysts begin to publicly question whether the huge investments in GenAI will ever pay off. The lack of a “killer app” besides coding co-pilots and chatbots is the most pressing concern, critics in a...

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ACCESS: Enhancing Hurricane Forecasts

ACCESS: Enhancing Hurricane Forecasts

Md Murad Hossain Khondaker and Mostafa Momen recently published their study titled Improving hurricane intensity and streamflow forecasts in coupled hydro-meteorological simulations by analyzing precipitation and boundary layer schemes in the American Meteorological...

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Service robot sales climb by 30% worldwide, reports the IFR

Service robot sales climb by 30% worldwide, reports the IFR

Sales of professional service robots have increased by 30% worldwide, according to the International Federation of Robotics, or IFR. The Frankfurt, Germany-based organization said that its statistics department registered more than 205,000 units in 2023. The post...

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Argonne Team Breaks New Ground in AI-driven Protein Design

Argonne Team Breaks New Ground in AI-driven Protein Design

Harnessing the power artificial intelligence (AI) and the world’s fastest supercomputers, a research team led by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory has developed an innovative computing framework to speed up the design of new proteins....

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